Friday 26 June, extended to 6 July 2020 23:59 h CET: Late abstracts' submission is permitted only with the approval of conveners of individual sessions
Thursday 13 August 2020, 23:59 h CET: Registration deadline
Friday 14 August 2020, all day: Registered participants added to Microsoft Teams GeoUtrecht2020 Team.
Friday 21 August 2020, 12:00 h CET: Deadline for uploading one PDF file as presentation material
(compulsory) and one PDF file as presentation (optional).
Monday 17 August – Friday 21 August 2020
- Events can be additionally organized per request in Rooms 4.01 - 4.03, max. 250 participants per room, all participants can be presenters. Use the time slots of the conference (see below).
- Participants should test their Microsoft Teams system by making a / testcall and starting an ad-hoc "meet-now" meeting.
- Technical help available ONLY for the conference Microsoft Teams at @technical
- Friday 21 August, 12:00 CET: Deadline for uploading one PDF file as presentation material
(compulsory) and one PDF file as presentation (optional).
Friday, 21 August 2020 9:30-17:30
Organized in Room 4.01
Sunday, 23 August 2020 17:50-19:10
- Organized in Rooms 4.01 - 4.03, max. 250 participants per room, join in sequence starting with the first room.
- No individual sessions or events
Monday 24 August, Tuesday 25 August, Wednesday 26 August
- Morning Slot 1, 8:30 – 09:50
- Public Plenary Session, max. 2 Public Plenary Keynote speakers, max. 10,000 participants.
- Events in Rooms 4.01 - 4.03, max. 250 participants per event, all participants can be presenters
- Morning Slot 2, 10:20 – 12:20
- Parallel Individual Sessions In Rooms 2.01 - 2.04, max. 24 presenters, max. 250 participants per room
- Events in Rooms 4.01 - 4.03, max. 250 participants per room, all participants can be presenters
- Afternoon Slot 3, 13:30-14:50
- Public Plenary Session, max. 2 Public Plenary Keynote speakers, max. 10,000 participants.
- Events in Rooms 4.01 - 4.03, max. 250 participants per event, all participants can be presenters
- Afternoon Slot 4, 15:20 – 17:20
- Parallel Individual Sessions In Rooms 2.01 - 2.04, max. 24 presenters, max. 250 participants per room
- Events in Rooms 4.01 - 4.03, max. 250 participants per room, all participants can be presenters
- Evening Slot 4, 17:50 – 19:10 (Not on Wednesday 26 August)
- Parallel Individual Sessions In Rooms 2.01 - 2.04, max. 16 presenters, max. 250 participants per room
- Events in Rooms 4.01 - 4.03, max. 250 participants per room, all participants can be presenters
Monday, 31 August 2020 12:00
- Conference Microsoft Teams system closed / disabled for participants
The access is granted to registered participants via the Virtual Conference Centre.