Public Lectures and

Plenary Talks are open to anyone

to attend via the

below hyperlinks.






Detailed programme,abstracts &presentation material



Monday 24 August 2020,

8:30 – 9:50 h


Video: John Anthony Howell (from 0:27) |

Martin Ecclestone (from 40:44)



08:30 - 09:10 h Invited Plenary Talk moderated by Jürgen Grötsch & Liviu Matenco

Collecting and Sharing Digital Outcrop Data for Virtual Fieldtrip Delivery in Times of Global Lockdown

by John Anthony Howell (1), Simon Buckley (2), Magda Chmielewska (1), Nicole Naumann (2) & Conor Lewis (2)

1: University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom; 2: Norce Research, Bergen, Norway



09:10 - 09:50 h Invited Plenary Talk moderated by Jürgen Grötsch & Liviu Matenco

Oil & Gas Geoscience Well Planning Practices in Support of Safe and Effective Geothermal and CCS Wells

by Martin Ecclestone

EBN B.V., The Netherlands




Monday 24 August 2020,

13:30 – 14:50 h


Video: Michiel van den Broeke (from 0:48) |

Gösta Hoffmann (from 39:42)


13:30 - 14:10 h Invited Public Lecture moderated by the GeoUtrecht2020 organizers

Big ice and sea level rise

by Michiel van den Broeke

Utrecht University, The Netherlands



14:10 – 14:50 h Invited Plenary Talk moderated by Jürgen Grötsch & Liviu Matenco

OutcropWizard: a virtual geoheritage tool

by Gösta Hoffmann (1,2), Maximilian Beheng (1), Roman de Giorgi (2),

Edouard Grigowski (1), Sabine Kummer (1), Monika Mikler (1) & Matthias Ritter (1)

1: Bonn University, Germany; 2: RWTH Aachen University, Germany




Tuesday 25 August 2020,

8:30 – 9:50 h


Video: Karen Hanghøj  (from 0:00) |

Daniel Bruno Palmowski (from 47:14) >>



08:30 - 09:10 h Invited Plenary Talk moderated by Antje Wittenberg & Henrike Sievers

The role of mineral raw materials towards a carbon neutral society

by Karen Hanghøj

British Geological Survey, United Kingdom



09:10 - 09:50 h Invited Plenary Talk moderated by Rüdiger Lutz, Susanne Nelskamp & Ralf Littke

Thermal History, That's What Makes a Basin Model a Petroleum Systems Model -

A Best Practice Approach

by Daniel Bruno Palmowski & Thomas Fuchs

Schlumberger, Germany




Tuesday 25 August 2020,

13:30 – 14:50 h


Video: Maarten Kleinhans  (from 0:00) | Massimo Cocco (from 41:20) >>



13:30 - 14:10 h Invited Public Lecture moderated by the GeoUtrecht organizers

Testing the waters: the Dutch 'delta' as a sediment-starved estuary under

past and future sea level rise

by Maarten Kleinhans

Utrecht University, The Netherlands



14:10 – 14:50 h Invited Plenary Talk moderated by Ronald Pijnenburg & Kirsten Elger

Sharing scientific data and products in solid Earth sciences: the EPOS (European Plate Observing System) research infrastructure experience

by Massimo Cocco

Utrecht University, The Netherlands




Wednesday 26 August 2020,

8:30 – 9:50 h


Video: Emanuel D. Kästle  (from 0:00) |

 Jelle W.F. Reumer (from 41:12) >>



08:30 - 09:10 h Invited Plenary Talk moderated by Thomas Meier & Eline Le Breton

New insight into the complex 3D subsurface structure under the Alps from the AlpArray experiment

by Emanuel D. Kästle

Freie Universität Berlin, Germany



09:10 - 09:50 h Invited Plenary Talk moderated by Anneke H. van Heteren & Wilma Wessels

Two centuries of vertebrate paleontology at Utrecht University

by Jelle W.F. Reumer

Utrecht University / Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden / Natural History Museum Rotterdam, The Netherlands




Wednesday 26 August 2020,

13:30 – 14:50 h


Video: Wilco Hazeleger(from 0:00) |

Helen Glaves (from 43:35)



13:30 - 14:10 h Invited Public Lecture moderated by the GeoUtrecht organizers

AI, the end of theory in Earth sciences?

by Wilco Hazeleger

Utrecht University, The Netherlands



14:10 – 14:50 h Invited Plenary Talk moderated by Dirk Fleischer & Andreas Hübner

Open Science: credit where credit's due

by Helen Glaves

British Geological Survey, United Kingdom



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please click on the logos to learn more: